Fortnite: Operation Celestial Flames, how and when do you participate in the event?

Written by Laurent P. Posted on Sep 12, 2021 at 9:20 pm

Enough ! The seventh season of Chapter 2 of Fortnite ends with a somewhat anticipated event for players, Operation Heavenly Fire. How and when do you participate? We are evaluating!

Notice for players who like It is an electronic game ! That’s it, the season 7 The second act, which saw the arrival of aliens and other creatures as strange as one another, ended on the evening of Sunday, September 12. After a season rich in skin and wraps, so – with Rick and Morty, as well as many characters DC Comics, No Superman An event approaching as usual at the end of this season.

Worthy Celestial Fire OperationThis is a must see Dr. Sloan Ask the players to help him eliminate the alien mother ship that has taken over the island sky, and has begun to bite the map somewhat. Target: “IJoin an attack squad and infiltrate the mother ship to deliver IO’s ultimate message to the alien invaders“.

When should this event start? You have an appointment at 22h To participate in the final showdown. We advise you to arrive before the start of the battle, around 9 pm, to make sure you are there and to avoid arriving at the time of – potentially – saturation of the servers. We also recommend that you have made your updates before, in which case you will not be able to participate in the event. And if not, how are you involved in the process? You just have to choose the game mode”Celestial Fire OperationAvailable 30 minutes before the event, and wait for it to start.

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Also note that you It is possible to participate in the event with a full lounge of 16 friends. As for the start of Season 8, it should be available the next day at 11am. under your control!

Stan Shaw

<p class="sign">"Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator."</p>

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