Free computer distribution very popular in Trois-Rivières

A company in Trois-Rivières has decided to distribute 500 laptops to young people. Econext Informatique wants to do its part to help families a few days before the start of the school year for primary and secondary school students.

The distribution began on Thursday morning. Parents had to come with their children to get a free computer. The company did not want to apply any other criteria for the distribution.

The donated computers will be Chromebooks. Philippe Gignac, owner of Éconext Informatique, confirms that:Mini laptop suitable for kids.

He specifically promoted this show on TikTok.

Wait up to twelve hours to receive your computer.

The line was very long in the Trois-Rivières West sector around 8:30 am.

Photo: Radio-Canada/Patrick Evans

Frank Mccarthy

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