Free Promo offers 3 promotions on smartphones, from €100 to €210, if you choose the Free Flex plan.
Free just launched promotions on 3 smartphones, bigger than usual, with Free Flex credit formula. Concretely, if you choose this formula (and not the cash purchase), Free offers a compensation offer from €100 to €210 depending on the model.
The first smartphone in question is Xiaomi 11T Pro 5G phone, Which benefits from an ODR of €100. With Free Flex: Over the course of 24 months for this mobile, the first payment will be 119 euros (that is, 19 euros by deducting an ODR of 100 euros) and then 24 subsequent leases of 19.99 euros per month. At the end of the 24 months, you can choose between returning your mobile phone or getting it back by paying the purchase option amount of €100.
The second affected smartphone is The Galaxy S21 FE 5GAnd the Which benefits from an ODR of €100. With Free Flex: over 24 months for this mobile, the first payment will be €179 (ie €79 by deducting an ODR of €100) and then 24 subsequent rentals of €19.99 per month. At the end of the 24 months, you can choose between returning your mobile phone or getting it back by paying the purchase option amount of €100.
Finally, the latter is the Samsung Galaxy S21 that benefits from an ODR of 210 euros (this is an offer that was discontinued this week and therefore extended until March 28). It’s available with Free Flex: over 24 months for this mobile, the first payment will be 279 euros (instead of 69 euros via the ODR discount) and then 24 subsequent rentals of 19.99 euros per month. At the end of the 24 months, you can choose between returning your mobile phone or getting it back by paying the purchase option amount of €100.
As a reminder, last year Free launched the new Free Flex offer, which allows you to take advantage of a wide range of smartphones, by paying a small portion every month for 24 months, and the possibility to keep it from this period. And if it is always possible to buy your smartphone with cash in the Free Mobile store, then the operator prefers the Free Flex offer, offering only the ODR for this format. Concretely, Free states that once a smartphone receives a file “Refund will be made in the form of credit on invoice(s) from your third invoice after validation of your order, except in the case of returning your mobile phone after withdrawal” specifying that these Offers are valid for Free Package or Free Series subscribers who have subscribed to the Free Flex Offer.
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