Free mobile relay antennas installed “on the sly” worry vacationers returning home

Worry free installed mobile relay antennas

Al Hurra brought a surprise to the residents of the municipality returning from vacation, and it is not to everyone’s taste.

Cold shower for Talence residents. Upon returning from vacation, some residents discovered that Free Mobile was in the process of installing six relay antennas on a building in the Peylanne area, in order to improve coverage and enrich its network.

The building permit dates back to August 3 and thus provides for the installation of this completely new site. One resident of the building, Mireille Dozenyor, says so in her neighbourhood” Everyone is against it, because it can be dangerous to healthHowever, it must be remembered that the latest ANSES reports have made it clear that 5G does not present a new health risk and that operators are required to comply with strict limits on wave emissions to avoid any health risks.

However, that’s not enough for Lillian Arnaud, who lives opposite the housing in question, who has petitioned: “I’m sensitive to electricity,” she says. I actually had to put a filter due to Linky counters. If there are more antennas, I move! The petition has received fifty signatures and residents intend to hand it over to the mayor. Lillian Arnault has interviewed a municipal council member on countering attacks on the living environment, while Mireille Dusignor has contacted as many politicians as possible. The signatories and residents also intend to be heard during a public meeting with their giver.

Secret relationship

In addition to the concerns surrounding the supposed “health risks”, residents complain that they were not warned. ” The banner is in a very secret place, few people pass through it,” testifies Mireille Dozenyor. “It was done maliciously, while everyone was on vacation. ‘ adds his neighbor.

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But the mayor explained that the procedure is completely normal: “The law does not provide for consultation within the framework of the planning declaration“.the elected official claims to have only negotiating power, stating that if the development permit is denied,”The operator risks attacking usupset, explains thatThe problem is that a lot of people want 5G but nobody wants antennas“.

According to the petition, who wants to limit his observations ” It is the spread of relay antennas, which generates a mechanical increase in risk, which we specifically deplore And the mayor on his part called Free, to find out.”Not if we can move it but if we can put it together or if there really is a need for it to have that many.“The operator confirms that the need is real because”The project includes three 3G-4G antennas and three small 5G antennasIt also promises to hide antennas, at least the largest ones.With false compound flues“.

Source: Arcachon Basin (hard copy)

Brooke Vargas

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