Free Software: Ashampoo Burning Studio 2021 Full Version

Ashampoo Burning Studio 2021 is a burning software for CD, DVD and Blu-ray. The full version costs €29.99, but currently anyone can download the program for free. What’s new in the current free version: New skin and many improvements in the areas of burning, copying and ripping.

The copy software from developer Ashampoo handles the fast and secure copying of any data on all spaces, including special data carriers such as BDXL or high-security media. Covers and sleeves can also be created with Burning Studio 2021. Music CDs are easily read using the software, and tracks are recognized and named automatically.

Automatic splitting of large amounts of data

When ripping CDs, the ripping software can create playlists to play music files later in the desired order. If the amount of data is too large to fit on a blank disk, it can also be distributed over several disks using the disk extension.

Ashampoo Burning Studio: Burning CD, DVD and Blu-ray software

Ashampoo Burning Studio 2021: Free burning software for CD, DVD and Blu-ray.

Find, Create and Burn Disk Images

For users of disc images such as ISO and CUE / BIN, the creation functions, but also for browsing existing disc images, including image previews, is an interesting feature.

Secure and encrypt backups

Ashampoo Burning Studio 2021 also has a backup function that can be used to save files to any blank disc, USB drive or hard drive. Data from compatible mobile phones, USB devices or tablets can also be saved with one-click backup if necessary.

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Burn data carriers with scratch protection

Burnout is also included with scratch protection, allowing important data to be read even if the surface is damaged.

All jobs at a glance

  • Copy data to one or more CDs, DVDs or Blu-ray discs
  • Burn CD, DVD and Blu-ray discs
  • Burn data carriers with scratch protection
  • Securing mobile phones, tablets and other external devices
  • Create Audio CDs
  • Printing covers and brochures for each data carrier
  • New attractive program interface

System Requirements for Burning Studio 2021

so that you Shampoo Burning Studio 2021 On your computer, you need the 64-bit version of the following operating systems: Windows 10, Windows 8 or Windows 7.

Frank Mccarthy

<p class="sign">"Certified gamer. Problem solver. Internet enthusiast. Twitter scholar. Infuriatingly humble alcohol geek. Tv guru."</p>

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