Games not sold, Japanese shopkeepers complain –

Japanese shopkeepers were not happy with the process PS5 At home. The situation is so bad that it ended on TV, where a shopkeeper who was interviewed expressed his disappointment. Bad game sales Bureau, he say due to a shortage of the same owners. In fact, the situation is much worse than what happened during the PS4 release. At best, some stores get a PS5 or two of products to sell to their customers within a month. Very low indeed.

Some commentators have pointed out that there are no shares in Japan because Sony supplies moreWest. Others have pointed the finger at advertising, claiming that many of the consoles sold are not in the hands of gamers.

In essence, the PS5 seems to make the best numbers in the West, while in Japan it struggles the most. After all, the same local sales rankings that we report weekly are how games for Sony’s latest generation console struggle to get into the top 10, and are often overtaken by PS4 versions. Unfortunately, as Nintendo itself has observed, the situation will not improve in the coming months until the semiconductor crisis that controls the production of many devices is alleviated.

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Veronica Tucker

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