GEEKNPLAY – Resident Evil 7

GEEKNPLAY – Resident Evil 7

Bad news for Capcom who haven't been able to attract many people to iOS with their Resident Evil 7 game. It's been (only) two weeks since the game became available on both the iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max as well as the iPad and MAC and the numbers are not good at all…

It seems very difficult to make AAA a real success on our phones. Capcom Try to persuade and try with his arrival in early July Resident Evil 7 On the latest phonesapple Beside Mac Or again, IPADHowever, mayonnaise does not appear to be taken, according to figures revealed. Application formsAfter two weeks, the game only attracted about 2,000 people! This is a very low number, which may be disappointing. Capcom Initially, but also those hoping to see more AAA games on mobile.

In terms of money now, that's only $30,000. CapcomIt is hard to know and believe that profitability will exist with these low numbers. We will see what developers get from the lack of success on mobile, hopefully the numbers will continue to rise in the coming weeks. For information, the game was developed under Engine rebootthe engine of Capcom, Resident Evil 7 It works natively on devices. apple With stunning graphics and optimal performance.

This release also introduces new and improved commands foriPhone And theIPADincluding an auto-fire option and full touch screen menus for a more intuitive gaming experience without a traditional controller.

You don't want to miss any licensing news. vampire We invite you to discover all the news on The game via our dedicated page.

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Capcom, Resident Evil, Resident Evil 7, Resident Evil 7 Apple, Resident Evil 7 iOS, Resident Evil 7 iPhone, Resident Evil 7 Mac

Tess Larson

<p class="sign">"Tv geek. Certified beer fanatic. Extreme zombie fan. Web aficionado. Food nerd. Coffee junkie."</p>

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