Google Assistant – Android Automotive Update for More Functions

Google Assistant is included in Android Automotive, but it’s still severely restricted at the moment. Google is now announcing an update, which is Remote Actions. This is intended to further expand functionality between Android Automotive and Google Assistant.

Remote Actions – Android Automotive just got more comprehensive

At the current CES 2022, Google announced a better set of functions for Android Automotive and the Google Assistant. This will make the networking between your devices better in the future. Volvo drivers will soon benefit from add-ons related to the Google Assistant through the update.

Previously, it was only possible to ask the Google Assistant questions about car values ​​directly in the car. That should change now:

In the coming months you will be able to start and stop your car, control the temperature and get information about your car On all devices that support the Google Assistant Starting with Volvo Cars

Google calls this innovation remote actions. This allows you to activate the air conditioning or additional heating from any device in your car. Values ​​such as battery level or tank fullness can also be queried.

These actions must be transmitted remotely first to Volvo, and later also to cars of other manufacturers using Android Automotive OS.

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Stan Shaw

<p class="sign">"Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator."</p>

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