Gruissan: A virtual view of the sky from a hot air balloon basket

Discovering Gruissan and its surroundings aboard a hot air balloon basket is an opportunity available to the Maison de la Méditerranée, thanks to virtual reality.

This free service is open to everyone aged 6 and over, with four daily sessions from Monday to Friday in July and August. The visitor wears a helmet that gives access to a panoramic view from the sea to the ponds, La Clape, passing through the historic village, the marina, the island of Saint-Martin and the Salins, but also the Narbonnais plain, the visitor completes the route in 15 minutes at least and in 90 minutes for the more curious.

We ask for more

Last year, over 800 people (boat passengers, regular or passing vacationers, foreign tourists and locals) enjoyed this flight. From the youngest to the oldest, everyone enjoyed it and left enchanted, with some choosing to repeat the experience several times during their stay.

Supplementary exhibition

This air-conditioned room also allows you to find a little coolness or, on the contrary, to take shelter in case of bad weather. To complete their knowledge of Gruissan or to dream a little, the visitor can stop at the freely accessible exhibition “Mission Port Gruissan – 50 years of history”, illustrated by photographs of Claude Aussogru who flew over the station and Claude Fajedet, a witness to the construction of the port of Gruissan.

To contact and book virtual reality headsets: 04 68 75 21 60.

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Frank Mccarthy

<p class="sign">"Certified gamer. Problem solver. Internet enthusiast. Twitter scholar. Infuriatingly humble alcohol geek. Tv guru."</p>

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