GTA 5 in 8K with full RayTracing is shown in this great video

GTA 5 is shown in 8K resolution in an impressive video posted by YouTuber Digital Dreams. Equipped with a competing PC with a GeForce RTX 3090 and Ryzen 9 3900X processor, the videographer took the opportunity to integrate Patch Tracing via the popular ReShade software.

gta track track
credit: digital dreams

While the owners PS5 Based on Xbox Xbox X (maybe) impatiently waiting The next generation of GTA V will be released in November 2021Rockstar Game continues to be the source of many PC experiences. Recently, Intel, for example, has been developing artificial intelligence to make games realistic.

And on this Tuesday, June 22, 2021, it’s Youtubeur Digital Dreams’ turn to give a big boost to GTA V. It has to be said that the videographer is used to streaming videos of old titles back in today’s taste through the mod army. Equipped with a powerful PC with a GeForce RTX 3090 and a Ryzen 9 3900X processor, Digital Dreams transforms a Rockstar game.

Rendered in 8K, the game is amplified by a fleet of weather and other mods. But above all, use the videographer ReShade, a digital program for post-processing of video games, to add various graphic effects: contour occlusion, depth effects, chromatic aberration, water droplets on the screen, color corrections, but also traceability.

Addressing the very concept of Ray Tracing, However, debug tracing provides a more realistic view, meaning that rays of light continue to bounce from one object to another, losing the intensity of the light with each bounce, until they reach the black color or the light source. Unlike Ray Tracing, which requires a compatible Nvidia graphics card to take advantage of it, Patch Tracing does not require any specific hardware. the shadow However, it will require a solid configuration to enjoy the path tracking.

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This isn’t the first time Digital Dreams has incorporated Patch Tracing on older titles, as the videographer is enjoying applying it to Red Dead Redemption 2, another major title from Rockstar Games for example. As a reminder, the game has benefited from a new surge in popularity recently, GTA V is being offered for free on the Epic Game Store in May 2020.

Source: Digital Dreams

Stan Shaw

<p class="sign">"Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator."</p>

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