Here’s how to add a contact without asking for their phone number

WhatsApp: We often need to add someone urgently and that we He doesn’t have his number wherever he is It is difficult to get it for various reasons.

Fortunately, this situation is no longer as complicated as it was in the early years of WhatsApp. Thanks to updates, it is now possible to add anyone without having to Ask for his number. If you are interested, do not miss this article, we will explain to you, Step by StepHow do you do this trick.

In this case, all we need is a smartphone, a camera, an Internet connection and an updated version of WhatsApp on our mobile devices. We do not have No need to download third party app or make a payment, where it is included in services from WhatsApp.

The WhatsApp
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How do you add a person to WhatsApp using a QR code? To perform this simple trick, you do not need to download any additional applications.

  • go to Google Play or Play Store And download the latest version of WhatsApp.
  • click Tap on the three dots icon in the upper right corner to access the app settings.
  • next to your name, you will see a strange square-shaped icon. You have to click on it
  • A new window opens with two tabs. The first shows your WhatsApp QR code and the other allows you to scan a file Another user code.
  • Now you need to agree with the other person and decide who to show their code to QR code and who scans it.
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Once one of you scans the other party’s QR code, you will automatically become friends on WhatsApp. You can then discuss and send you text messages, photo, Videos, voice notes, and other file types.

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Stan Shaw

<p class="sign">"Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator."</p>

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