Here’s how to get two accounts on your phone without having to download weird apps

Thousands of WhatsApp users were shocked to learn that the trick to managing two accounts at the same time on your smartphone has just become Tendency on social networks. It doesn’t matter if you have an iPhone or AndroidThis method works with any mobile device and the best thing is that you don’t need to install any third party app.

Do you want to know how? We’ll show you the trick.

with this trickYou will be able to separate personal WhatsApp messages, i.e. those Send it to your friends or familythose sent by your boss, colleagues, or other people in the office.

Just follow some simple steps:

How do you have two WhatsApp accounts on the same phone?

1. Go to Play Store or App Store and download WhatsApp Business, a Application Official belongs to Meta itself.

2. Remove the SIM card from your mobile phone and insert a secondary SIM (your business, your business, etc.).

3. Open the app whatsapp business And proceed with the configuration.

4. Once WhatsApp Business is activated, you will need to remove the secondary SIM from your smartphone.

5. Replace your Basic chip and that’s it. You now have two accounts on WhatsApp.

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© REUTERS / Dado Ruvic / Illustration / Archivo

What advantages does WhatsApp Business offer?

WhatsApp Business users not only have the ability to communicate with them other people and send text messages to them, Photos, videos, voice notes, stickers and other files, but they have Also other functions Specials.

for example, you can set attention periods to avoid receiving messages or calls outside of your working hours. It is also possible to create automatic messages that will be sent When you can’t answer or you are on vacation.

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Stan Shaw

<p class="sign">"Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator."</p>

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