How do I get a refund for a game on Steam?

It’s reassuring to know that online video game purchases can be refunded. This is the case with Steam, provided certain conditions are met. We explain everything in detail here and show how to get a refund for a Steam game?

You bought a video game on Steam, but voila, you are not satisfied. The causes could be multiple, hardware problem, very light configuration. Either you simply made a mistake or you quickly realize that you are not sticking to the address you bought.

Don’t panic, our tutorial is here to explain how to get refund on Steam.

It doesn’t matter, because the reasons ultimately don’t matter to Steam. Above all, three simple conditions must be met:

  • Any request for payment must be submitted no later than 14 days after purchase.
  • It must not be crossed Two hours of cumulative use At the time of requesting a refund.
  • The bond that is the subject of a refund request It can only be a video game, Third-party DLC elements are left out (Steam gives an example of DLC that increases character level).

How do I get a refund for a Steam game?

  • Log in to your Steam account in your browser or from the client.
  • Click the menu at the top of the page named the support In a browser and Assistant In the Steam app.
  • A nice list of topics is displayed. The most recently purchased games are shown first. If one of these titles is the subject of your refund request, click the game name directly. But to move forward faster, we recommend that you avoid this step.
  • Click on the title Buy It then displays a list of all your purchases for six months. Choose the option you want to recover here between us.
  • Four proposals appear, go directly to the first, I would like to ask for a refund On the next page, click I would like to ask for a refund.
  • A new page appears, click again I would like to ask for a refund.
  • A form appears after that and you will have to fill it out carefully. First of all, you must select the preferred payment method (PayPal, CB or Steam Wallet) and finish determining the reason for the request.

  • Finally, tap Offers.

You will quickly receive an email confirming that your refund request has been received. The second will confirm that Steam (usually) accepts your request and the amount will be added within its limits seven days.



Google Play Store: How to request a refund

Did you just buy a game or app from the Google Play Store, but are not satisfied? Don’t panic, there is a way to get your money back and we’ll explain how to do it here.
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Tess Larson

<p class="sign">"Tv geek. Certified beer fanatic. Extreme zombie fan. Web aficionado. Food nerd. Coffee junkie."</p>

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