How many minutes do we have to walk to stay healthy?

According to one study, we need to walk a certain number of minutes to be fit for the heart.

It is now well known that a walk is beneficial in terms of health: there are many studies that confirm this. Some time ago The myth of 10,000 steps a day has also collapsed: According to scientists, 7000 is enough. And some English scholars have even tried to count How many hours do you have to walk to eliminate the calories that accumulate during the holidays. But if we want to be right How many minutes should you walk each day? There is an answer to this too …

How many minutes a day should you walk according to science –

Basic: When talking about sports walking, we refer to a more consistent and faster walk than we experience during a typical walk. With this in mind, the answer to the question of how many minutes a day you need to walk to stay physically fit comes from a recent study by the Boston University School of Medicine (USA): using cardiopulmonary exercise (CPET) and wearable fitness equipment. The researchers studied changes in the exercise levels of more than 2,000 participants. 17 minutes of moderate to intense physical activity per day (such as power walking or jogging) increases oxygen intake by 5% during exercise.. But that’s not all

4 hours of exercise against a sedentary lifestyle –

I am reading, Published in European Heart Magazine, Proved that We can achieve the same increase in oxygen absorption by walking at a very relaxed pace for 54 minutes a day Or by reducing our daily sedentary lifestyle to 249 minutes. That means we have to spend less than 4 hours every day without moving, which is not easy for most people who do desk work. Therefore, to improve our heart-breathing pattern, brisk walking or less hasty but long walks are best. Also, for those who do not like walking, riding a fitness bike is also good.

What does it mean to walk fast? –

Boston researchers have drawn the standards of previous studies to define brisk walking:

  • An inferiority complex 60-99 steps per minute This is a downline attempt.
  • 100-129 steps per minute They are generally considered to be equivalent to moderate physical activity.
  • Further 130 steps per minute They are considered serious physical activities.
  • “But these step numbers should be slightly higher in younger individuals,” explains Dr. Mathew Nair, co-author of the study.

1 minute exercise, quarter hour sedentary lifestyle –

The more time we spend on exercises like walking and running, the less time we sit and the better our overall fitness level will be. In fact, according to researchers, Each minute of exercise designed to increase heart rate is equivalent to about 3 minutes of walking and resisting the effects of about 15 minutes while sitting or standing.. But, numbers aside, protecting ourselves from the adverse effects of a sedentary lifestyle should not leave physical activity: Therefore, it seems that the sedentary lifestyle can offset most of the negative effects of sedentary lifestyle on physical activity by increasing the amount of activity and exercise.

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Veronica Tucker

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