Hundreds of people participated in the World Games Festival in Nevers

One hundred people were already at the rendezvous near the flea traders who had come to settle in Roger Salingro Park in Nevers. Spectators and enthusiasts discover the many activities on offer in this new edition of Faire du jeu. “We’ve already heard four or five languages,” excites David Demoulin, president of the Conservatoire du jeu.

The Game Conservatory in Nevers, a unique structure in France.

If the last two years have been marred by the health crisis, he recalls the success of the last editions of 2018 and 2019. “We had a lot of people. Although there was very little rain in 2019, in our last edition we had about a thousand people. The number hit again this new year.

However, the chief nuance: “Other associations were due to come as well. Unfortunately most of them lacked members which forced them to cancel this appointment. The Conservatoire du jeu did not escape this shortage of volunteers.” We were 100 in 2018, 80 In 2019 … today with the new, we are 17″.

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excellent Games for all tastes at Roger Salingro Park in Nevers, Saturday 28 May

Several board games are displayed a few steps from the rooms, books and bags from another time. like a winkSports News NivernaiseUson Nevers flags float above this rugby-inspired stand or toys. Jean Le Cord smiles: “It’s a game from the 1960’s. It comes from Mont-de-Marsan. It’s like a bearish descent,” David Demoulin describes.

A little later, Anthony Bremond, a university professor, took advantage of the event to present several of his creations. “Last month, I thought of a game at night. The next day, when I woke up, I drew it. I searched the Internet and did not find this game, ”smiles the teacher. Then he compared his invention to chromium and Croquinol. “Today, I present it to see if people find it cute,” he laughs.

Texts: Fabian Agrin Fidel
Photos: Fred Longon

Tess Larson

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