“I didn’t understand anything,” Grégoire Champion (Timothy) had to face great difficulty in the investigation to find Songam.

The character Timothée (played by Grégoire Champion) joins the police ranks within the PTS and is at the heart of a fascinating investigation to discover the identity of a criminal who has claimed the lives of several victims in Tomorrow belongs to usAnd for this plot, he had to face a great challenge.

Time is running out Tomorrow belongs to us… The Sète police have been on alert since a dangerous criminal under the alias Songam has attacked several of them. Roxane (Raphaël Volkov) and Sarah (Camille Genau) are kidnapped and then held captive on a boat. Then it's Manon's turn (Luvia Bachelier), who is kidnapped and held captive. The young policewoman, who is in a wheelchair, is rescued in time, after a spectacular fall from a roof. The maniac doesn't stop there. Manon's exes Nordine (Youssef Akkal) and Damien (Adrien Robb) are also victims of the criminal. Timothy is “In front of the stage“In the search to find Songam's identity and get him out of harm's way. And also thanks to him his colleagues understood that this public enemy was actually leading a real chess game where every police officer represents a pawn to be played in this conspiracy, Grégoire Champion had to face a great challenge.

Tomorrow belongs to us:I don't know anything about that.“Grégoire Champion (Timothy) recounts the difficulty he faced in the group.

Chess has seen a resurgence in popularity thanks to Queen's Game (Netflix) and will be at the heart of the series. rematchComing soon to Arte, which returns to the symbolic confrontation between man and machine through the historic encounter between chess champion Garry Kasparov and the IBM computer. Chess is also in the spotlight at DTomorrow belongs to us Where Timothy (Gregoire's hero) faces a Machiavellian criminal playing a game in the real world. For this plot, gregoire herowhose character is considered an expert, had to master the symbols of this complex game in his dialogues. And this was not without difficulty, as he confided to him. Remote entertainment.It's simple, I don't know anything about chess.”“He admits with a laugh,”I had never touched a chessboard and didn't know the rules, so when I had to start learning the scripts with Black Queen on the black square d8, I didn't understand anything.“. but “Things went very well anyway.The actor who has shown himself to be very credible on screen is assured.

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Tomorrow belongs to us :The investigation into Songgam will change Timothy's role within the police station.

Searching for Sungam will allow this. Timothy To prove his skills and this will change his status inside the police station.Timothy He has to face his colleagues, and as an autistic person, he also has to take a stand he has never had to take before. In relation to his hierarchical superiors, for example. There he manages to convince them to give him a chance to investigate even if no one believes his claim. This will give him credibility. They will listen to him a little more.“Confirms gregoire hero“,”All this will make it grow.“. Also in his relationship with others. If the young technician with autism distances himself from his colleagues:He is a pragmatist, for him, a colleague remains a colleague, except for Manon, with whom he was friends before joining the PTS. There will be no friendly rapprochement with his partners, but he will develop in his relationship with others, with more understanding and complicity.“. An important development for the character, who has proven himself within the team. Which we will see very soon explained in a new investigation.

Stan Shaw

<p class="sign">"Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator."</p>

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