Imax Enhanced, what is it, how does it work, where to find it

November 12, 2021 Disney Announced access, on its own streaming platform Disney +, one of the first Marvel films in “IMax Extended FormatBut, at the same time, also specify that ‘lOther features and functions of IMax Enhanced are not currently available on Disney+“.

The advertisement, of course, aroused a lot of curiosity among users of the platform, however, many of them did not fully understand what it was and, above all, whether they should. change tv To fully enjoy this technological innovation.

So let’s try to explain what it is IMax Enhancer and the IMax Extended Format. But, before we get started, it’s best to ask yourself a question: Who is IMAX?

Who is IMAX?

Imax company is a Canadian company, since 1967, that has been producing cameras and projection systems for cinema, classics in theaters. In 1970 he presented, at the Osaka Expo in Japan, the first Imax projection system that aims to replace other well-known technologies such as Sinirama (from 1952) Cinema Scope (from 1953) and VistaVision (from 1954).

All of these systems, including the one developed by Imax, were created to overcome the limitations of analog cinema shot 35 mm film. Specifically, Imax was based on shooting scenes with special analog video cameras from 70 mm, which can then capture more information in each individual frame.

Images of this type, once viewed in a file Cinemas, gave life to see films more attractive to viewers who, moreover, watched the film in them Imax sale certificate It is equipped with technologies and devices aimed at improving the experience further. Imax cinema seats, for example, tilt 23 degrees so that all audiences are facing the screen.

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From the seventies to today Imax technology It is further developed and, of course, also applied to the new digital cinema. The last step was for these technologies to also reach the world of broadcasting, with IMax Enhancer.

What is Imax Enhanced

Imax Enhanced is a file set of technologies They are applied to the image, sound, frame aspect ratio and the content itself. The IMax Enhanced standard applies to broadcasting, but also to Blu-Ray content and provides one device certification in which the contents will be copied.

Imax, in fact, is talking about “environmental system“In which there are televisions, audio systems, projectors, audio and video receivers. For home televisions, for example, Imax is required 4K resolution, at least diagonally 65 inches With technology support HDR And above all, the specifications calibration Color, brightness, and contrast values.

But not only that: a Sound system Compatible and compatible codec DTS: X And in the configuration at least 5.1.4 (But config 7.2.4 Recommended).

What is Imax format

At this point, after reading the stringent technical requirements for IMax certification, one wonders why Disney claims that new Marvel titles in the IMax expanded format will be compatible with all devices on which Disney+ can be seen. The reason is simple:expanded format“IMax is Just a small part dell’IMax Enhanced.

for every “IMax Extended Format‘, in fact, we mean a frame with Aspect Ratio 1.90:1 (width: height), while classic “wide“Equal to 2.39:1, much more rectangle, much more”wide and lowThis means that extended-format movies do not have the famous black bands on the top and bottom, but rather fill the entire screen of a conventional 4K TV with a visual area of ​​approx. 26%.

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After years and years of trying increasingly large-scale movie formats, he finally realized that it is more beautiful, attractive and comfortable to watch movies with an aspect ratio that is very similar to that of the Field of view of the human eye.

When Imax Enhanced . arrives

At this point, two things should be clear: the first is that the IMax Enhanced standard is Anything but within everyone’s reach (Especially regarding the audio part), the second is that the Marvel movies on Disney+ are not streamed in IMax Enhanced, but only in the extended format provided by IMax Enhanced. In fact, all other features of the standard are not present.

But when they arrive, then, the movies in”Vero“IMax Enhanced? Disney+ doesn’t mention it, but IMax does”In the future, Disney+ subscribers who have IMax-certified TVs, AV receivers, amplifiers or amplifiers will benefit from IMax’s wide range of audio and video technologies.“.

Samantha Arnold

<p class="sign">"Web fanatic. Travel scholar. Certified music evangelist. Coffee expert. Unapologetic internet guru. Beer nerd."</p>

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