Important intact coral reefs discovered in Tahiti

A coral reef resembling a giant rose garden has been discovered in Tahiti. Its location and health are intriguing researchers and offer new perspectives for coral conservation.

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. ecosystems deep ocean floor It is still largely unknown because it is difficult to access. However, researchers have just shown that near-surface ecosystems have so far gone unnoticed. One This is how coral reefs were discovered in November 2021 Off Tahiti during a science dive.

the It extends over three kilometers It has a maximum height of about 70 metres. These coral reefs are mostly made up ofSpecies Russian Burrites between 35 and 45 meters while other species, Pachyseris speciosa It appears from a depth of 50 meters and is the dominant species in some areas of the reef.

The newly discovered corals were sampled for laboratory analyses.  © Alexis Rosenfeld

Extraordinary depth and preserved reefs

the coral This large coral reef also has a specific shape, which makes it look like a giant rose garden, according to scientists. However, it is two other aspects of these corals that are particularly intriguing to researchers. The first is that these coral reefs are located in the twilight zone of the ocean in which they are located light the Soleil It penetrates little, which makes its presence surprising due to its symbiosis with photosynthetic microalgae.

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This coral reef is located in the twilight zone of the ocean where little sunlight penetrates

This discovery opens up new prospects for deeper explorations to find such coral reefs. The second aspect is that the reefs look To be in very good health And not to be a victimwhitening ring for 2019 in the region, perhaps thanks to its unusual depth. This observation could inspire future conservation measures.

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Stan Shaw

<p class="sign">"Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator."</p>

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