In Toulon, discover Blacktwin, the innovative video content agency

The idea

Passionate about video since childhood, Loc Lemay, then employed in an audiovisual structure, benefited from the expulsion, in collaboration with Ronan Leroux, Blacktwin in Toulon in 2009. The goal is to be an innovator in the region by being able to produce promotional clips for companies that Seeking to introduce themselves or wishing to offer their products and/or services.

the service

Blacktwin produces videos on very diverse topics with an average duration of 1 minute and 30, at an average cost of 12,000 euros. Composed of dozens of employees, the company strives to handle the activity of its customers with segments that are small in size, simple, innovative and high in impact. “The goal is to provide more understanding to employees and subcontractors.”. Blacktwin’s strength is an extensive catalog because it covers all areas of the image with real, 3D video and animation. It’s all of these new technologies the team has mastered that have enriched the site.


Blacktwin was founded by Ronan Leroux and Loïc Lemay in 2009 in Toulon. They start with 10,000 euros of stock and provide themselves with video equipment (lighting, camera, etc.). The turnover resulting from the first contracts is reinvested in the company to accelerate its development: “We wanted it to go fast and strong.“Today, the turnover is 400,000 euros and the company must benefit from a loan from Réseau Entreprendre of up to 50,000 euros.

the challenge

Originally from the north, Loc Lemay was led to discover southern France. He arrives in Toulon and challenges himself: to promote an area he finds fascinating and a population with deep values. “My goal is to show that there are creative people here. There is the sea in front, the mountains nearby, but above all certain skills in production.”

capital gains

What Blacktwin will bring to every company by using its services is a combination of creativity, innovation and novelty. In the spirit of the startup, based on the Place d’Armes in Toulon, each of their videos should catch the eye in a different way. “You have to be fresh and encouraged and in a few seconds you will understand what you are talking about.” The content created brings more visibility to their customers, which leads to higher orders and thus higher turnover.

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Structure Zoom. Loic Lemay, Founder, “Loves team building, bringing talent together, helping and appreciating it.”. That is why new abilities appear inside Blacktwin and turn into phosphorous, which is felt in the productions of the video agency. “I am committed to incorporating new technologies related to the world of images into our creations, such as virtual reality and augmented reality. I would like us to tell the story of our customers using these tools-.” Dependable diversification in the medium term, with a primary ambition to turn into feature films or documentaries. “We’ll have a chance to talk about him again. You’ll hear about us!” Pictures, of course.


Frank Mccarthy

<p class="sign">"Certified gamer. Problem solver. Internet enthusiast. Twitter scholar. Infuriatingly humble alcohol geek. Tv guru."</p>

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