Is your mobile phone battery lasting less than usual? This might be the Google app for it


The Google Mail app has a “bug” that is causing battery issues on some phones.

If you have noticed in recent days Problems with your mobile phone battery lifeIt is very likely that you are affected by a “bug” present in one of the most popular Google applications.

Several users reported Reddit file error Google Messages appWhat are the reasons? High temperature On some devices, in addition to High battery consumption Because the process remains active in the background.

Android 12 on Pixel 6 Pro

Your Android mobile phone may be affected by an “error” causing battery problems.

The Google Messages app increases the battery consumption of some mobile phones, but there is a solution

as stated from 9to5GoogleOne of the latest versions of the Google Messages app has introduced a file software glitch which makes The app keeps the viewfinder activeEven when the app is closed. Because of that, Battery consumption due to the application Significantly increases.

Thanks to Camera access indicators Introduced in Android 12, it was possible to determine that the Messages application is responsible for the high power consumption.

Fortunately, this is possible Temporarily solve the problem Until Google releases an update to fix the problem. software glitch. The order consists of Remove Camera Permission for Google Messages App Through the system settings. Thus, the app does not have the option to activate the camera and therefore cannot activate the viewfinder.

That day must be mentioned Google has not commented on this issueIt is not known if it is actively working on the repair. Either way, we hope you don’t have to wait too long for an app update that offers bug fixes.

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Related topics: apps


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