It can steal your Facebook account

Craftsart Cartoon Photo Tools are not what they claim, so be careful with those applications that once opened ask you to connect to your social networks or other services.

It looks like The Malware bounce a little Recently, certainly with the jerky situation that exists on a global scale as an explanation and with the Internet as a very important point of attack and/or disinformation, which has led us to see malicious applications such as Escobar and RedLine, capable of Bypass two-step verification And even hiding in YouTube videos.

Today we have another Dangerous apps that appear regularly on Google PlayThe fact is that colleagues from Pradeo have discovered that a completely harmless application like Craftsart Cartoon Photo Tools, Really Hide Inside a File Spying programs His name is Facestealer Who can rob us? Facebook IDs In a simple and semi-transparent way for us.

Facebook user data is shown again as unsafe

Beware of using your Facebook credentials in third party apps, they may not be safe!

We are not talking about a simple problem, because the fact is that Kraftsart Cartoon Tools currently has Over 100,000 downloads on Google PlayAnd a simple trick in its interface is to use social engineering techniques to get our Facebook credentials, Then establish contacts with a Russian server Send the obtained data.

In order to properly identify it, App data on google play the following:

  • Kraftsart Cartoon Photo Tools

According to the discoverers themselves, the good part is that Google is already aware of the caseBut the bad news is that out of those 100,000 users, there’s probably a large percentage of them pirate Without realizing it, others will remain in this It takes hours or days to remove Mountain View Store application. For now, of course, it’s still available…

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This is how it works thief faceThis is how cybercriminals collect your data

The fact is that Kraftsart Anime Tools can first pass through any of them Another harmless photo editing app which you can later Share your photos quickly on social networksIn fact, it will be easy for you to be deceived by how the application works.

And once installed, when you start Craftsart Cartoon Tools We open the Facebook login page and it is notBut it effectively simulates the window Connection From the popular social network Menlo Park. This home page where A code has been entered that goes unnoticed by Google Play Protection and other app stores, this code is responsible for collecting our credentials.

Beware of Craftsart Cartoon, they steal your Facebook data

Craftsart Cartoon Photo Tools appears to be a completely harmless application on Google Play.

Once you reach, The Malware Connects to Russian servers and sends dataGet full access to users’ Facebook accounts pirateAnd the Including personal dataPhysical addresses, conversations, searches, photos, even credit cards and other information contained in the social network.

as you will see It’s easy to fall into the trapBecause Kraftsart’s cartoon tools don’t work if we don’t enter our Facebook credentials, sure page Connection Exactly similar error Any ordinary user who is not trained in security techniques would expect it. the pirate.

Beware of Craftsart Cartoon, they steal your Facebook data

Screenshots of how Craftsart Cartoon Photo Tools works, it’s easy to get your Facebook credentials.

According to Radio experts This remote domain registered in Russia has been used intermittently for the past seven yearsAnd it has been linked to many mobile applications, all of which are malicious and They ended up removing it from Google Play and other stores.

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Cybercriminals end up using victims’ data to Committing financial fraud If they have credit cards or other data on Facebook or on Send links from phishing or spread fake news way much faster.

And therefore, Be careful with apps to which you give your credentials from other servicesAbove all, pay attention to the fact that pages Connection Be responsible. It’s not easy to see the differences but they still exist, and so are these groups of cybercriminals They tend to repack apps quickly Delete once to continue its activities.

And urgently, if you have Craftsart Cartoon Photo Tools installed, you need to Delete it as soon as possible from your smartphones And change facebook password as soon as possible… Run you fools!

How to Create a Completely Anonymous Facebook Profile to Protect Your Privacy: A Step by Step Guide

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Brooke Vargas

"Devoted gamer. Webaholic. Infuriatingly humble social media trailblazer. Lifelong internet expert."

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