Konami announces eFootball 2022 will be released for good on April 14

The communication From Konami with a new apology for the poor quality of the product launched last September, after two years of development that clearly wasn’t enough. “Since then, the development team has worked hard to restore the trust of our dear community, but also with the goal of making it as fun a game as possible for football fans around the world.‘Can we read?

By overclocking 1.0, Konami now believes its game has the qualities needed to be appreciated by the greatest number. This includes adding new controls and items (offensive and defensive) as well as fine-tuning the game’s balance and fixing bugs, all based on surveys and feedback from other players on social networks.

Of course, for sure. eFootball 2022 It was designed from the start as a game that evolves over the months, which is why it moved to the free economic model. So don’t imagine that updates will stop with this so-called official launch. Before I let you devour a list News and improvementsLet’s add that Konami is still working on the mobile version of the game but it will be released later. Everything is on time, right?

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New features and improvements for version 1.0.0

Changes to Defense Orders and Addition of “Compression Order”

Of all your comments, many referred to defense. A lot of people mentioned the difficulty of defending and getting the ball back. After reviewing the prioritization of defense-related actions, we decided to change the default key settings to make defense more intuitive. Tap controls available in previous versions will also be brought back into the game. In addition, we’ve added a new control, “Shoulder Contact”, which allows you to proactively restore possession.

  • Pressing: Take possession of the ball by pressing the opposing ball carrier.
  • Contain: Apply pressure to the opposing dribble with a less open position and shorter strides. Also effective in blocking passes or shots.
  • Shoulder Contact: Push the opposing player with the shoulder to recover the ball. Particularly effective when an opponent takes the ball off his foot or tries to shoot it.
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Apart from individual defense, we have also re-evaluated the elements of team defense. A “Request Press” command has also been added to the game so that in addition to sending multiple players on the ball, other team members will work collaboratively to regain possession by blocking passing paths and advancing the defensive line.

Alongside these additions and functional changes, we’ve also made a bunch of changes to other critical defensive elements in the game to give you a more responsive and intuitive experience when it’s time to defend.

Pass improvements and the new “Power Pass” order

In addition to the defense, we also received a lot of fleeting comments. Many of you have commented on the slow passing and the high number of passing errors. That’s why we’ve made improvements focused on game balance and order satisfaction.

Overall, we’ve increased the passing speed, to match the pace of matches with the defensive improvements described above. Additionally, we’ve also incorporated a mechanism that uses ball rebound as an accelerating force. This will be very useful for one-touch passes, for example, where the speed of the ball will increase thanks to this mechanism. Thus we get a “rhythmic passing game”, which is an essential component of modern football.

With regard to passing errors, we have concluded that they are caused by the actions of the passer and receiver during and after playing the pass. So we have incorporated the following fixes:

  • Passing goal resolution improvements
  • Improvements in AI decision-making when receiving permits
  • Motion improvements when receiving passes
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After these corrections, the reproduction of abnormal traffic errors has been significantly reduced.

In order to make the passing game more enjoyable, we have also added a new tool, the “Power Pass” command, which allows you to hit the ball in different special paths. With these controls, you can adjust the attack frequency and provide more assistance.

More payment paths for greater satisfaction

Regarding snapshots, we’ve made the following two improvements:

  • Shooting speed is improved by prioritizing realism and satisfaction
  • Adjusted shots on target rate to appropriately reflect match situations

In addition, we have added a variety of shots and trajectories to the game for each situation, such as the “Power Shot”. All this should allow you to experience a lot of realistic situations in front of goal.

Strategic evolution through improved dribbling features

In order to improve dribbling maneuverability and give you a more rewarding experience when dueling with realistic actions, we have made the following changes:

  • Ball tracking accuracy and response to left analog stick inputs are improved
  • Improved response to Sprint actions

Other functional improvements have also been made, including improved response and ball behavior with the new “snap change” command, as well as easier to understand mock actions. We hope that these improvements will help create a more enjoyable experience in dueling situations against opposing defenders.

Improve online communication

In order to improve the stability of online communication, but also to reduce the number of canceled matches, we decided to adopt the client-server system from this new authorship. Along the same lines, we are constantly looking to improve response time for online matches. To ensure you get the best football experience, we will continue to monitor the situation after the update and make the necessary improvements.

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Additional Game Plan Features

To restore some common features, we have incorporated the following changes and additional features into the game plan, while fixing some issues:

  • Additional features have been added such as “Change Configuration”, “Individual Help”, “Automatic Settings”, “Secondary Tactics”, “Data Management”, etc.
  • Improved load handling for better responsiveness

Stan Shaw

<p class="sign">"Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator."</p>

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