Laptop slow? 12 reasons and solutions

Nothing like a new laptop. Everything works fast, web browsing is fun, apps open and close on command, and crashes are a thing of the past. That’s right, today we do not have the time or patience to use a laptop that moves slowly, does not have enough memory, the screen freezes, or it waits for a long time and painfully loads the page we need. But despite all the advancements in technology, laptop performance can still leave something to be desired. In this article, we explain why this happens and how you can fix it.

Why is my laptop running slow and what solutions are available to you?

  • Problem: The laptop is difficult to open because many applications start at the same time. In an effort to save time, we have configured some applications to open as soon as the laptop starts, but the effect is the opposite, because we wait a long time for the laptop to reach the startup screen.
  • solutionIt is necessary to set the startup protocol only for a few very necessary programs. All other programs can run when you need them.

Very low RAM

  • ProblemThe first indication that your laptop is running low on memory is extremely slow processing when you open multiple programs. It is also possible that too many programs are running in the background which will slow down the performance of your laptop. This may be antivirus software.
  • solutionYou can find out what programs the laptop is running in by pressing the key combination CTRL + ALT + DEL. Once you open the Processes tab, you can see which programs are running on the laptop and how much RAM is being used. If necessary, you can close some of them to free up memory.
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the presence of a virus

  • Number: When our laptop behaves in an unusual way, we think about the possibility of a computer virus infection. Truly, it is very common for us to infect our computers, even accidentally, by logging into questionable websites or opening attachments that should normally be ignored. Malware is designed to corrupt computer processes, which slows down the processes running on your laptop. The laptop is most likely infected if: programs open or close by themselves, more and more pop-ups appear, sudden and prolonged slowdown in processing, hard drive clogged with suspicious files.
  • solution: There is a great need to scan for viruses and malware. With the help of specialized antivirus programs, it is possible to delete all suspicious files.

old laptop

  • ProblemIt is a well-known fact that older operating systems fail to keep up with application updates. But sometimes it takes more than that, and you have to upgrade your entire laptop to a newer model.
  • solutionThe best remedy is to find a laptop from a reputable company. Read reviews carefully and buy a quality product. There is also the possibility of buying a laptop in installments, which is the best option to get a good new laptop.

Hard disk full

  • ProblemThe larger the size of the hard disk, the more difficult the work of the laptop. It is good to remember that everything that is downloaded and installed on the computer is saved to the hard drive.
  • solution: Displays the available storage space. Delete or move files you don’t need on your laptop. You can use other storage methods, such as the cloud or an external drive.
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Browser Overload

  • Problem: If the browser is loaded with too many tabs, it will become increasingly slow.
  • solution: Delete cookies and cached items. This will increase the speed of your laptop.

In conclusion, what can you do if your laptop is slow?

  • Restart the computer: It is recommended to shutdown the computer when the work is done.
  • Check for updates: Updates take a few minutes, but are essential to the health of your computer.
  • Delete files and programs that you no longer use.
  • Check for viruses (spyware, adware, malware).
  • Determines which programs and applications are consuming resources.
  • Disable startup programs.
  • Zoom out animation.
  • Frees up hard disk space.

Get your laptop repaired or buy a new one.

Frank Mccarthy

<p class="sign">"Certified gamer. Problem solver. Internet enthusiast. Twitter scholar. Infuriatingly humble alcohol geek. Tv guru."</p>

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