Lavor. Otéma TSA continues its journey of integration

Otéma TSA (Autism Spectrum Disorders) is involved in many projects with people with autism on issues of mobility, professional integration or co-housing, and is known for having received recognition for its work in favor of mobility (See the January 19 edition). However, it provides many other measures in various sectors with the support of the Green Bank.

To secure one of her tasks for herself, to bring people out of the isolation they might face, Otéma organizes “coffee sprinkles” in Giroussens so that autistic people can meet her. For the time being, due to the current health conditions, this procedure has been suspended.

The association also responded to a call for projects from ARS (Regional Health Agency) with APAJH (Association for Adults and Young People with Disabilities) in order to create an association through which people with autism can share their experiences in all areas. Here too, it is about enhancing the exchanges but with another vector. Another Otéma project should offer a hypothetical test of trades in the industrial sector in partnership with Mimbus to foster integration into the world of work. The animation is scheduled to be shown in a ULIS class at Rabastens College on March 4th. To do this, it is also collaborating with Start-Up Covirtua, a partner from the early days of promoting professional integration with the support of virtual reality. The company is also participating in the platform project by implementing a training program dedicated to mobility. The measure should see the light of day in the coming weeks thanks to the arrival of a young graduate with Master 2 Mobility. Benjamin has just signed a one-year fixed-term contract to prepare the association’s procedures on the mobility of people with autism and thus enhance their professional integration. The success of Tarn CoMobi, Tarnais’ first automotive co-location, could make it possible to sustain this first employment contract.

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Frank Mccarthy

<p class="sign">"Certified gamer. Problem solver. Internet enthusiast. Twitter scholar. Infuriatingly humble alcohol geek. Tv guru."</p>

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