Les Petits Mandarins . Offers Many online games To learn Chinese, English or Russian. Montpellier departs for Learn five African languages On the occasion of the Franco-African Summit. Simply register online for free with just a few clicks Globe Speaker. Games are based on Audio recordings that should be associated with good writing. The voices are the voices of the speakers who follow Les Petits Mandarins on social networks. “We received a lot of feedback and enthusiasm from our followers in Africa” says Vigdis Herrera, President of Little Mandarins.
Introduction to Five African Languages
Five African languages were chosen from among more than 200 existing languages Lingala, Wolof, Zulu, Amharic and Swahili. “We tried to choose according to the differences related to the geography of the places and especially with regard to the number of speakers present” Vigdis Herrera justifies. you remember information entry About African languages in France: “We have a lack of resources to learn African languages.” Then “The vocabulary has to be relatively uniform because they are oral languages, so the spelling is not necessarily static.”
Games for beginners
“Initiation is available to both children and adults who are curious to open up to others” Vigdis Herrera confirms. Games do not allow you to win something or get a diploma that certifies the level of the language, but the main thing is to learn while having fun. Besides games, a Dictionary and free lessons shown.