Level 5000: The most expensive Steam account is said to be worth roughly $ 280K

Site Steamladder.com Provides a list of “top” Steam users ranking based on the relevant Steam level. The user leads by a large lead St4ckSteam reached 5000. Trading cards and badges in particular contributed to this, pushing the estimated value of the account to more than $ 275,000.

Steam St4ck account reaches 5000 Steam levels

according to Leaderboard he is St4ck With 5000 levels, the leader is undisputed, because second place does not even have 4000 levels. The level on Steam is increased not only through the purchase of games, but above all by completing completed decks of trading cards and badges. Website stats determine the value of 6,500 badges and card combinations in a Steam account To more than $ 242,000. Add to these 4,736 games which are estimated to be worth around $ 36,000 in total. The total value is currently around $ 280,000 USD.

Other users lead in other categories

With the games on the Steam library St4ck However, it’s a far cry from the drive, because according to The leaderboard after most games The account works there Dwight Schrute (Level 513) from the USA with over 33,000 titles. Rank Depending on the number of badges Fall again 4yBaK * (Level 1709) from Russia with 17,531 Steam badge in the front. Will Fully playing time On Steam as standard Tong Do (Level 454) from Vietnam with nearly 1.9 million hours in the lead. These playing times are only possible using tricks like the “SteamTimeIdler” tool.

The steam ladder is not connected to the valve of the steam actuator and is actuated by A. Team Run by private individuals. The portal has been created that provides viewable data on Steam Its API And sorted in ranking by Steam user Terry 007 As early as 2014.

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The search function can be used to find out where your Steam account is in the ranking. If you don’t want to find your data there, you should “hide” your profile in the privacy settings for your Steam account or at least switch access to “Private” or “Friends only”.

Also the most popular Steam database Lead Ranking lists by level, But it only calculates the value of the calculation based on the prices of the game.

Stan Shaw

<p class="sign">"Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator."</p>

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