This article is from Management Magazine
“From an epistemological point of view, immersion makes it possible to obtain a more intense form of attention,” insists a virtual reality specialist in order to substantiate his sales argument. Today, many of us are distilling “perception” into business. The role is impressive, even if we don’t always understand what it corresponds to. The term however is clear. Etymologically, the word “cognitive” refers to knowledge. It sounds scientific because it is scientific and coincides with the modeling of mind processes carried out as early as the 1950s, and today, cognitive neuroscience studies the brain as it learns, analyzes, decides, etc.
The progress is amazing but the results are still hypothetical.. what does it matter! HR professionals, coaches, coaches, and change experts are leveraging our “improvable” brains to boost our performance by giving us their old discoveries accompanied by the “cognitive” hashtag. Management, uncertain because it is human, has thus become science and our companies, laboratories of neuroscience. Perception sends us an image of collaborators with skulls covered with electrodes with regions to activate and others to deactivate.
It all started with cognitive biases. For example, according to Olivier Siboney, bestselling author You will make a huge mistake! (Published in 2019 by Flammarion), Cognitive biases are psychological distortions of rational thinking, and predictable errors that can influence our decisions. Thus, the negative maximization bias will make us keep only negative events. This will prompt us to prefer the quickest reward we get, etc. These psychological insights, categorized in the cognitive category, have an indisputable scientific designation.
Everyone who delivers his psychic food with the guarantee of an expert wears a white coat. For example, coach Mathilde Calcas advertises supporting people with “different cognitive functions” by “deprogramming their behavior and thoughts.” Riyad Labib, giving a conference on the “cognitive leader” entitled: “How do we better integrate this brain that rules us?” Perception is the new magical guarantee. We swim amid the delirium of scientists.
Alexandre des Isnards is a Storyteller at Winner Inc.
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