Loudéac’s media library is based on digital technology

“This is only the beginning of feathers,” Announced, Thursday, February 4, 2021, the Cultural Assistant of Aloud (Côtes-d’Armor), Gwenaëlle Kervella. Various modifications have been made to the Media Library. And it looks like it won’t be the last.

€ 3,000 has been invested to rethink the multimedia, picture and sound spaces on the first floor of the building. “We reflected the two spaces. The multimedia device is equipped with new furniture (sofa, ottoman, chairs), and small partitions between computers,” Details of the site manager, Carol Beashore. But the room star is in a corner: the PC player, to immerse yourself in online video games.

Virtual Reality Headsets

The media library has 1,600 subscribers, a third of whom are from outside Loudéac. “It’s a place that shines in the Ludiak region” He excites the chosen one. The site aims to bring together new arrivals. In March, it will be equipped with a digital museum, virtual reality headsets, three lending machines, “So that media librarians support users and provide advice on reading.” Next month, an appointment is set to discover digital gadgets and tools, which may make some people finally want to stand by the books. “Hopefully it’s a browser,” the librarians admitted.

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Frank Mccarthy

<p class="sign">"Certified gamer. Problem solver. Internet enthusiast. Twitter scholar. Infuriatingly humble alcohol geek. Tv guru."</p>

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