macOS Monterey: Large memory leaks related to custom cursor

The seemingly insignificant change in macOS Monterey has serious consequences. customize mouse pointer, New in macOS 12The cause of serious memory leaks on Mac Intel as well as on Mac M1. As you can see in the video capture below, simply change the color of the indicator for the RAM consumption of the Accessibility panel in System Preferences to Panic: it goes from about 15MB to over 800MB! And the more we play with the color palette, the higher the consumption! Thus we can fill several gigabytes of RAM.

Not only is resetting the pointer enough to find your precious Go, we also have to leave macOS System Preferences to return what we unfairly took from us.

This RAM leak is not limited to System Preferences, it can spread to other apps. Mozilla noticed that Firefox It can consume tens of gigabytes Because of the custom indicator. Version 94 of the browser released earlier this month contains a change that reduces the risk of a leak.

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Testimonials about Extremely Excessive RAM Consumption on macOS Monterey too many It takes care of applications and system components, such as the control center that is able to swallow 26 go. The custom indicator may not be to blame every time, but if you change its color and you see excessive RAM usage, you know what to do.

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Stan Shaw

<p class="sign">"Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator."</p>

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