MAJ Dying Light 2 Stay Human: Long end-of-campaign life, approximately 500 hours required at 100%

Dying Light 2 Stay Human is being gold For a few weeks already, so we confirm that it will meet the release date currently set by Techland. Thus, the developers are taking advantage of the last moments between launch to say more about the project, and in particular about it her age.

Already this weekend they posted an unexpected message that mentioned itIt will take about 500 hours to reach a 100% completion rate.. This pharaonic figure will correspond to the time taken to complete the campaign, side missions, various challenges and the full exploration of the campaign. a map, as well as to open all possible endings.

This age can be intimidating, and even if you choose to limit yourself to campaigns and side objectives without delving into collectibles and exploration, It will take between 70 and 80 hours to complete the adventure. Makes you wonder what 400 hours of extra gameplay and roving would look like Techland At 100%, even if the fact of opening the different ends will logically inflate this number.

release date Dying Light 2 Stay Human Set February 4, 2022 on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X | S, and you can pre-order your copy from 54.99 euros on Amazon.

Dying Light 2 Stay Human 10 01 2022 Age

to update : Techland He just clarified his remarks by noting that it would take about 20 hours to complete the campaign alone.

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