Metaverse and Games – When does the Matrix become a reality?

If you think about current developments in video games and in the Metaverse, we are getting closer and closer to a realistic replica of our reality. Do we want that?

simple graphics in Blockchain-games

Blockchain and games are finding more and more points of contact. A good example is Solana Ventures, the investment division of Solana Labs 150 million dollars Planning to prepare for blockchain games. The fund aims to invest in gaming startups based on the Solana blockchain.

according to block cipher Blockchain Gaming and NFT startups raised a record $1 billion in November. Since gaming on the blockchain is still in the development stage, great graphics don’t seem to be a priority at the moment. Popular blockchain games like Axie Infinity remain very simple for 2021. Also a blockchain gaming platform sand More reminiscent of the simple graphic style of games like Maine Craft.

Sandbox – Blockchain Game Platform – Quelle: Sandbox game

Illuvium, for example, shows that there is another way. The Ethereum-based AAA blockchain not only relies on innovative technology, but also high-quality graphics. This can be seen in liking View the game ad about how to play Look. However, if you compare the graphics of the blockchain game with the developments in the field of graphics engines for gamers, it will seem somewhat outdated.

Realistic graphics using Unreal Engine 5

We’ve been in this for a long time Strange valley. This is the term used to describe the period when the tradition of people still seems strange and inauthentic and we are, so to speak, in a “strange valley”. But it seems that these times are coming to an end when you look at the most realistic graphics of the latest Unreal Engine 5 Looking at.

in stream experimental technique The motor actually looks like Matrix lead actor Keanu Reeves “breathtaking”, the user comments on it Youtube and play on it Popular meme employment. The scenes shown are intended to demonstrate the capabilities of the engine and often look like real, playable movie scenes.

The Matrix Awakens: An Unreal Engine 5 Experience – Quelle. Youtube

Better access through cloud games

With innovations like cloud gaming, users no longer need powered PCs, but they can easily play complex games even with the highest settings, even with regular hardware.

Because computing power is like cloud gaming services stadia They are outsourced and streamed from Google data centers to users’ devices, similar to streaming services like Netflix. And that without the need for huge downloads. This makes playing graphically complex games straightforward even for casual gamers.

Human interaction through facial expressions and body movements is almost completely absent in the online world until now. But with metaverse technologies, virtual reality technologies, and ultra-realistic graphics, the ability to communicate more expressions is becoming more and more realistic.

Andrew “Bose” Bosworth, VP of Facebook, working on metas according to the meta video SDK interaction. The technology allows hand gestures to be linked in virtual reality with applications.

“Realistic presence is key to feeling connected in the Metaverse.”

those: Metaverse and how we’re going to build it togetherR – Connect 2021

In retrospect, we might wonder how we have endured such a boring internet for so long. Because if from some time Almost realistic graphics As with Unreal Engine 5 with Virtual reality experiences and the integration of the metaverseWe are getting closer and closer to an almost perfect replica of our reality.

And Where does this go

With all the hype and fascination with technology, we must briefly ask ourselves where all of this is headed. After all, we are creating an increasingly accurate digital replica of the real world. This may soon compete with our physical world. Does this really enrich it or does it move to the background? Shouldn’t human interactions occur in the physical world rather than in a digital imitation of it?

Roger McNamee, one of Facebook’s early investors, also believes we should think carefully about who we leave the metaverse development process to. He mentioned Meta’s plans for the Metaverse dem BBC The opposite of “miserable”.

“This is a bad idea, and the fact that we all just sit around and take it for granted should scare everyone. (…) We must not allow Facebook to build the miserable metaverse.”

However, the investor does not generally see the metaverse idea as wrong. He only sees responsibility in the wrong hands with Mark Zuckerberg. He adds that “no regulation should allow Facebook to operate in the Metaverse or introduce cryptocurrencies.”


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Tess Larson

<p class="sign">"Tv geek. Certified beer fanatic. Extreme zombie fan. Web aficionado. Food nerd. Coffee junkie."</p>

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