Metroid Dread on the Approach – Nintendo shares a review of the 2D Metroid series and the latest report with closing words from the development team – Ntower

This weekend the Metroid community celebrates the return of Samus Aran. Metroid dread Finally a reality and fans can officially begin their journey to Planet ZDR starting tomorrow. Shortly before the release of the 2D action title, which was published in our test With the highest score, Nintendo dared make a final marketing push.

So today we can offer you a special video that takes a look at the previous video 2D-Metroid-Saga throws. If you want to update your information or don’t even know where the story is at the moment, you should definitely take a look. Even for the connoisseurs, it’s worth watching thanks to the lovely animations and transitions. It is also useful to have a detailed review Our current collection of private texts.

In addition, the fans Tenth and thus the last report For metroid dread. As usual, we receive a lot of feedback from the development team. Finally, the focus is on the project as a whole: the creative process behind aspects such as level design, character and environment design, sound design and soundtrack, or threatening EMMI opponents. The report is accompanied by various screenshots, conceptual drawings, and even video insights for the soundtrack and sound in general. Search in Official article from Nintendo Purely, if you can inspire yourself for the mentioned aspects.

How excited are you for Metroid Dread?

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Stan Shaw

<p class="sign">"Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator."</p>

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