Mobile operators Somtel and Telesom sign an interconnection agreement

(Ecofin Agency) – Somaliland’s telecommunications sector is rich and diversified with no less than six private operators covering almost the entire country. The lack of coherence between the systems of these different operators has always been one of the main challenges in the sector.

Subscribers of Somtel and Telesom, the major telecom operators in Somaliland can now communicate with each other through both platforms. Indeed, the two companies agreed to remove obstacles and signed an interconnection agreement on Saturday, February 19, under the auspices of the Ministry of Communications and Technology, which completed the development of the required laws and regulatory frameworks.

Commenting on the agreement, Minister of Communications and Technology Abdulwali Abdullah Al-Sufi said: The main challenge is the fierce competition between the major operators in the country. Their competition covers all aspects of communications, such as prices, subsidies, and infrastructure. With these factors in mind, the Ministry has developed interconnection rules and a roadmap that will guide the interconnection of telecommunications. “.

This collaboration between the two companies comes approximately two weeks after the signing of an agreement to create a fiber optic joint venture along with Somcable and the government. This new partnership reflects the two companies’ desire to provide subscribers with high quality services at affordable prices.

The agreement, according to the ministry, will enter into force within 40 days of its signing. It should allow users of either network to communicate with each other without having to change SIM cards. This should also reduce calling costs, as people will now be able to use one SIM instead of two or even three SIMs in some regions.

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Isaac Kassi

Read also: 10/2/2022 – Somaliland: Government and operators establish a new fiber-optic joint venture

Brooke Vargas

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