Mobile operators will cut their rates by 50% from May 1

(Ecofin Agency) – For several weeks now, the Equatoguinean government has been negotiating with players in the telecom sector to reduce tariffs in favor of consumers.

From May 1, all telecom operators in Equatorial Guinea will have to cut their rates by 50%. This decision is the result of a preliminary agreement signed between the government, the Equatorial Guinea Telecom Regulatory Authority (ORTEL), the Equatorial Guinean Telecommunications Infrastructure Manager (GITGE), and the mobile operators. The agreement was approved on Wednesday, April 20th.

According to Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mangue, Vice President of Equatorial Guinea, the decision to reduce telecommunications fees by 50% is temporary and has been accepted by telecom companies. Final percentages will be determined at the end of a study in progress, which may result in a larger reduction. He warned that telecoms companies that do not comply with the new rules may have their operating licenses withdrawn.

This government decision comes in the context of its concern for the welfare of the people of Equatorial Guinea, in accordance with Article 29 of the Constitution. The decision should make it possible to reduce communication costs for the population, but also pose the risk of loss of income for operators. The authorities hope that the reduction in customs duties will not affect the quality of services provided by operators.

Isaac Kassi

Read also: 1/4/2020 – Equatorial Guinea: GITGE accelerates internet access to support the fight against Covid-19

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