Monster Energy Supercross 4 – Can now be played for pre-orders

Milestone and Feld Entertainment, Inc. Today Monster Energy Supercross – The Official 4 Video Game for Pre-Order Versions for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4 and Xbox Series X | S and Xbox One. Steam and Google Stadia versions of the official release will be available on March 11, 2021.

The new chapter of the Supercross franchise begins today for all pre-orders on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4 and Xbox Series X | S and Xbox One. Fans all over the world will be amazed with the new features in this series!

The biggest innovation in Monster Energy Supercross – The Official Videogame 4 is the all-in-one career mode. For the first time in the franchise’s history, new ways are opened for players to fulfill their dream of being professional drivers – they can climb leaderboards and customize their gaming experience. The main goal is: fame! Prospective professionals begin their future career path and have to forge their way to the top of the world. This means that players have to constantly improve their skills along this path and talent tree will play an important role in that. During races, special events, training courses and magazines, points can be earned on specific changes and improved driver performance.

With the Maine-inspired compound mode, players can freely drive or compete with friends, while discovering loads of tracks and collectibles.

The popular track editor is also back with more options than ever before so players can reach their full creative potential. New combos are available with Tuff Blox, Starter Gate constructions and many other objects.

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Thanks to the new editor, players can freely customize riders and bikes with lots of new content. Monster Energy Supercross – The Official Video Game 4 introduces 110 official branding of changes affecting the bikes’ appearance or performance.

Thanks to the dedicated servers, the multiplayer offers a lag-free multiplayer experience that is enhanced by the Racing Manager mode.

ESport finally finds its way to Monster Energy Supercross – The Official 4 Video Game! Drivers have to push their limits to become an eSX legend! For the first time, players can compete in the official eSport Monster Energy Supercross Championship and show who’s the best! More exciting updates are coming soon!

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Andrei Witch

The crazy guy on the team can / should test everything that comes along, even if it’s Barbie’s great horse adventure (which he loves to test too). If he had been born earlier, he would have had Monty Python’s sense of humor. Plus, as a true Bavarian, he never considers anything cold a drink.

Stan Shaw

<p class="sign">"Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator."</p>

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