Neon Genesis Evangelion surpasses PUBG Mobile

pubg mobileThe next collaboration is with the popular and highly influential Mika anime of the 90s, Neon Genesis Evangelion.

Press email text regarding the intersection: PUBG Mobile, One of the world’s most popular mobile games, today it unveiled an all-new, limited-time game mode inspired by the popular and acclaimed animated series. missionary. “

New “Core Circle” game mode is coming to Livik and Erangel. Players can watch the EVA-01 showdown missionaryThe Sixth Angel at a special event from May 19 to June 19 in Erangel.

During the event, players will also be able to get it The genesis of neon missionary Items, including accessories that main characters wear when driving their EVA units, themed armor, parachutes and backpacks, and an unidentified special friend (though Pen the Penguin, one of the from Evangelion Amulets, sounds like a fair guess).

PUBG: Battlegrounds. Credit: Krafton Inc.

Starting tomorrow (May 14), players will be able to play classic matches to advance their exploration before the new game mode is released a few days later. Exploration progress can be exchanged for limited-time rewards, with the Core Circle game mode providing additional progression.

president pubg mobile Here’s what Tencent Games publisher Vincent Wang had to say about the collaboration:missionary It is one of the most popular anime series of all time, so we couldn’t be more excited to introduce its futuristic and unique world to pubg mobile. The “Core Circle” game mode continues our commitment to providing players with unforgettable experiences based on globally recognized and culturally significant partners, enriching pubg mobile Experience for existing and new players.

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it’s not pubg mobile First collaboration with popular anime, with likes Jujutsu Kisen And interior Also represented in the game.

In other news, Sega is set to release several Transformers, Remakes, and spin-offs this fiscal year.

Brooke Vargas

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