New Dad – Computers & Media


Springer boss Matthias Debfner is in the spotlight these days – first shooting the head of the “Bild”, then signing a US deal.

Mathias C. Dpfner and Axel C. Springer have more in common than just the middle first letter in their names. Since joining Springer-Verlag in 1998, Dpfner has not only led the largest German press company in the digital world, but has sold nearly all of its newspapers in the process. But by the way, the founder of the company was also replaced as Springer’s father. The controversy over his dealings with “Bild” boss Julian Reichelt, who has now been shot, is now scratching Dpfner’s paint pretty hard right now, but it wouldn’t hurt him too much.
How sure Dpfner made his case can be seen in yesterday’s YouTube video from CEO to “Dear Staff”. After that, the Reichelt case was never about allegations of sexual assault, but only about “consensual relations with Bild employees.” It is problematic because of the hierarchy from boss to subordinate employee. But the whole thing is a transparent campaign by “men” who used to be with ‘Bild’, and the motives were very clear: he went …

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Frank Mccarthy

<p class="sign">"Certified gamer. Problem solver. Internet enthusiast. Twitter scholar. Infuriatingly humble alcohol geek. Tv guru."</p>

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