New quantum computer breaks quantum supremacy record

A new quantum computer, called H2-1, recently broke the world record for quantum supremacy by outperforming Google’s famous Sycamore machine by a factor of 100. Developed by Quantinuum, the computer represents a major advance in quantum computing and opens up exciting prospects for the future of technology.

What is a quantum computer?

Quantum computers are fundamentally different from classical computers. While the latter process information sequentially using bits (0 and 1), quantum computers exploit Principles of quantum mechanicsThey use qubits that can exist simultaneously in multiple states thanks to two fundamental principles of quantum mechanics: Overlaywhich means that a qubit can be 0 and 1 at the same time, and entanglement Allowing the quantum bits to remain connected in such a way that a change in the state of one instantly affects the other, regardless of the distance separating them.

This ability allows quantum computers to solve complex problems much faster than classical computers and perform calculations in seconds that would take a classical supercomputer thousands of years.

Quantitative Superiority: A Keynote Speaker

there The idea of ​​quantitative superiority Refers to the time at which a quantum computer can perform a given task faster than a classical supercomputer, which is one of the most powerful computers we have today. To achieve this superiority, it is necessary to use a large number of quantum bits. Qubits, despite their power, are natural error prone Because of the complex principles of quantum mechanics that govern it.

This requirement is due to the complexity of the calculations that quantum computers must perform. In fact, the more qubits a quantum computer has, the more information it can process at the same time. However, each additional qubit also increases the risk of errors. Therefore, developing more reliable qubits, capable of correcting errors that occur, is essential for these machines to reach their full potential.

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In other words, for quantum computing to become a practical reality in our everyday lives, it is necessary to create systems that can do this. It doesn't just contain many qubits.but which is also Strong and able to work reliably.

Achieving quantum supremacy would require a quantum computer with millions of qubits. Currently, the largest working quantum machine has about 1,000 qubits. Credits: Quantum

New breakthrough and its effects

Quantinuum researchers recently used the 56-qubit H2-1 computer to conduct performance evaluation experiments. They measured the quality of the results the computer produced using a well-known algorithm and obtained a The linear entropy (XEB) is about 0.35.This means that 35% of the results were error-free.That's an impressive number compared to the 0.002 score Google's Sycamore machine recorded in 2019.

This is amazing advanced It shows that the H2-1 computer can perform calculations with a much higher degree of accuracy, while consuming 30,000 times less energy than its predecessorsThis represents a significant step towards universal, fault-tolerant quantum computers. Ilyas Khan, Chief Product Officer at Quantinuum, emphasizes that this achievement is the result of years of research and investment.

These results not only represent a triumph for Quantinuum, but also pave the way for practical applications of quantum computing, from material simulation to advanced encryption. As technology continues to advance, the promise of quantum computers becomes increasingly tangible, heralding a new era of technological innovation.

Frank Mccarthy

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