NÎMES NOGA Until the end of the year

The Art of the Nîmes Open Game (NOGA) started a few days ago and will run until December 31 at Carré d’Art. Here for the full program.

The connection between video games and real life has reached an unprecedented level. Today, video games are pushing the boundaries in more unexpected areas than ever before: journalism with bury me my love, Engineering sciences with flight simulators such as flight simulator or social sciences with LoansAnd The epic of the human race whose game design is based on the latest anthropological research. Let’s mention the game too farming simulator that trains the farmers of tomorrow in renewable robotics.

(photo by Anthony Morin).

An interdisciplinary festival, blending cultural and technological concepts, Open Game Art Nîmes presents video games as a tool offering new knowledge or experiences. Reality becomes the playground here, as the games’ devised poetic and graphic distortions translate the vivid questions of our society. The reflection opened by the exhibition will continue with carefully selected guests: educators, influencers or video game professionals.

The original workshops presented – from 3D printing to the latest virtual reality models – invite you to wonder where video games are in relation to reality. In the program: playable exhibition, 3D printing, round tables, dedications, meetings, workshops of all kinds, Just Dance show, cosplay show …

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Frank Mccarthy

<p class="sign">"Certified gamer. Problem solver. Internet enthusiast. Twitter scholar. Infuriatingly humble alcohol geek. Tv guru."</p>

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