No thanks to the moody gardens and balconies of this beautiful green succulent

Many horticultural enthusiasts have begun to approach this world, starting with the flesh. These plants should not be left out of our collection as they are easy to maintain and very beautiful to look at.

In this article, we will analyze a wonderful succulent plant, which is called poracina acres, or herb known as gossip. It is an evergreen succulent plant, the rock gardens, balconies and terrace suitable for filling.

No dull gardens and balconies thanks to this beautiful lush fleshy

Familiaris KraculeciThese beautiful succulent stems of the plant can be classified into two different types.
A sterile, numerous leaflets and a valamanatakum, which are in bloom and the leaves are well spaced.
The leaves are oval, with a kind of pulp and rolling, which is set to produce an almost hypnotic.
In addition, they are very hard due to the water in the plant tissues.

The flowers bloom between May and July and are small, formed by a corolla of 5 petals arranged in the shape of stars. The inflorescences of this plant are especially appreciated because over time they form dense ground cover shrubs.

What are the treatments?

Cetam acres, with a beautiful color and ground cover plant, except that does not require too much attention. So about gardening is not much time to invest in it to anyone unfamiliar or correct it.

However, it is a plant that prefers full sunlight. It is better to tolerate summer heat and temperatures down to 10 degrees opposed.
As for the soil, which embraces well everywhere, but prefers clay and well vatikattiyavarrai.

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Thanks to the amount of water that can be stored in the leaves, this plant even escapes from a long-term drought. If you are housed in tanks, the occasional summer watering needed, especially when it is hot.

Finally, the grid is important and fertilization, except in winter, will take place once a month. Diluted with water, fertilizer nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium levels should be balanced.


So, thank you for this beautiful green cataipparrullatarku, moody gardens and the balcony will never win again.
For other tips, we suggest reading The other article, About a succulent plant unknown to many but beautiful.

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Veronica Tucker

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