of residents use mobile applications to light up their city streets at night

To combat the waste of energy, the residents of Balancourt-sur-Essonne manage the public lighting in their municipality themselves. To do this, all they need is their cell phone.

In the town of Ballancourt-sur-Essonne, some residents use their cell phones to manage public lighting in the city. In this municipality of 91 inhabitants, users use the ‘J’Allume ma Rue’, an app that allows them to turn off the public lights near where they are for part of the night.

This solution, which makes it possible to reduce energy waste, is the happiest of city dealers. This application allows me to manage the lighting at the exit of my restaurant in the evening, this prevents customers from finding themselves in the dark when leaving my establishment in the middle of the nightConfirms the restorer.

In economic terms, the idea of ​​saving energy through better management of public lighting has captured local elected officials. It is an important first step in terms of the economy“Michael Terrier, Deputy Mayor confirms Balancourt Responsible for city planning.

Since 2014, the municipality has been able to halve its energy consumption thanks to better management of public lighting. In 2011 we consumed 823,000 kWh per year and in 2020 we are close to 400,000 kWh”, The deputy explains.

The savings he attributes, among other things, to a paradigm shift regarding municipal energy policy ten years ago. “From 2012, we have cut off general lighting for part of the nightMichel Terrier explains. This leads to savings in terms of energy, but also in financial terms.“Continue.

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Indeed, the municipality’s total energy expenditure, which amounted to 75,454 euros for 2014, amounted to 44 thousand euros in 2021.

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Brooke Vargas

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