OK Google, Shut Up: Now Smart Displays and Speakers Easy to Stop Talking

A way to silence Google Assistant, When he talks in detail about the weather or provides unsolicited information, it has already been some time: in fact, in 2019 the opportunity to calm him down by saying “Ok Google, stop” was introduced. Over time, they have further refined this functionality in Mountain View, but with the quick freezes that are exclusive to Pixel smartphones, you no longer need to say “OK Google” to quickly convince the Silence Assistant, but just say “Stop”. “.

Now this advanced feature It also comes with other devices: However, we are not talking about smartphones, but always talking about the big G branded products. In particular, the terminals that make Google Assistant their full hub, namely the Nest series of smart speakers and smart displays (including last year We reviewed the second generation Nest Hub) Innovation “Continuous Conversation” option works on both enabled and disabled.

Since the distribution of this new feature takes place on the server side, you do not have to lift a finger to get it.

Google Assistant is available on all smartphones running the Android operating system. But not everyone knows that there is a ‘despite this.Dedicated application, Can be downloaded from the Play Store, for those who are not satisfied with the default implementation and need something more.

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There are many users who have realized the need to download Google Assistant Processor, and they have been growing dramatically in recent times: 7 months ago, in fact, the total number of installations reached 500 million. These days it has surpassed one billion downloads.

Obviously, many are interested not only in the modes already integrated at the operating system level, but also on the possibilities of triggering the helper from the utility drawer or from home by selecting the utility icon. Added: Long pressing of the icon provides access to links for “explore”, “my day” and “settings”.

Veronica Tucker

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