On the moon, the Chinese rover Yutu-2 discovers a “mysterious hut”

CNSA / Our Space

An image taken by the Chinese rover Yutu 2 of a cube-shaped object observed on the horizon across the moon.

SPACE – It’s a short walk to a long distance. Chinese rickshaw Yuto-2 observed on moon A cube-shaped object “in sight” at the end of November. Nicknamed “The Mysterious Hut”, god You should go and check right away. Located 80 meters from its current location, the flight lunar It should take 2-3 months.

“This thing is interesting! Let’s go and see it!”, scientists launched the expedition, the Chinese website reports. our space. It was this Chinese-language science outreach channel, affiliated with the China National Space Administration (CNSA), that published the discovery on December 3, 2021.

On the 36th lunar day of his mission, while walking through the crater of the Von Karmann volcano in hidden face From the moon, the rover Yutu-2 landed on a strange object indicating “in sight”. Cubic in shape, it must be said that the “mysterious hut” stands out noticeably in the center of the lunar landscape.

CNSA / Our Space

This enlarged image takes a closer look at the cube-shaped “mystery hut”.

Like an intruder on a uniform horizon line, “Like a mysterious hut that appeared out of nowhere,” describes Our Space. However, it does not appear to be a home alien Or a base built by the first explorers of the moon.

The object, however regular it may be, will be … just a (large) stone. This phenomenon was simply caused by the excavation of large rocks, which was caused by a Effect on the surface of the moon.

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But having said that, the “cube” can teach us things. In fact, if the most likely hypothesis is correct, the rover might discover a “recent” crater right next to it. This should explain more about the composition of the moon.

The rover’s “journeys” over the next few months give us time to imagine other scenarios. ScienceAlert It is reported that the Chinese machine runs on solar energy. When it gets dark on the moon, the rover stops. And one night on our natural satellite is equivalent to 15 Earth days. Not to mention the time wasted making your way through rocks and potholes.

Chang’e 4 is China’s fourth lunar mission and the second to send a spacecraft to the Moon. Chang’e 4 landed on the far side of the moon on January 3, 2017. This was the first lunar landing to be performed on this side of our satellite.

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Stan Shaw

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