Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, the role-playing game will also be released on PS4 and Xbox One

Owlcat games Unveiled in December 2019 Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, a role-playing game inspired by the board game from the same franchise. The title is scheduled to arrive next September on PC, but the developers are already announcing itA version will also be released for home consoles.

Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous is now also expected on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, at the end of 2021. The title will obviously be playable on PS5 and Xbox Series X | S with backward compatibility, but no real noticeable improvement for next-gen hardware. So it will be necessary to wait a little longer to find out RPG on keyboards Sony And the MicrosoftBut the studio is keeping everyone waiting by sharing a new developer’s diary to watch above.

Owlcat games As a reminder already set Pathfinder: Kingmaker, which you can find in 22.60 euros in Amazon at definitive edition.

vignette editorAmore M / Clint 008
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