Persona 5 The Phantom X Mobile Game Confirmed for Console Port

Character 5: Ghostwhich Atlus released for iOS and Android last April in Land of the Rising Sun, will finally get a console port.

Persona 5 is working on the console versions of the smartphone title, once the mobile game is released internationally. Hopefully, the game will be released on Nintendo Switch.

The duo also discussed upcoming collaborative projects, which are sure to be many.


  • The Pyramid and Space Station chapters of Persona 5 will be available after the summer events.
  • There are long-term plans for further collaborations in the Persona series. Currently, a collaboration with Persona 5 Royal is planned,
  • Persona 3 Reloaded and Persona 4 Golden in that order.
  • There will also be offline collaborations with other brands later in the year.

Answers to questions and answers:

  • Atlus has decided on the outline of the end of the P5X story, and it is currently being refined and developed.
  • Work on console versions of the P5X will begin after the international release.



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Brooke Vargas

"Devoted gamer. Webaholic. Infuriatingly humble social media trailblazer. Lifelong internet expert."

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