Pif magazine returns to newsstands with “green” gadgets

Published December. 2020 at 18:58

Those who feel nostalgic for “Pif Gadgets” in their childhood will soon be able to find them on newsstands or display them to their grandchildren. The popular youth magazine, which was a journalistic phenomenon in the 1970s and 1980s, returns to newsstands from December 16th in a fresh form.

The comic book magazine, renamed “Pif le Mag”, has become a quarterly magazine and maintains the privacy of including a tool in each issue. But this additional gift is updated and will be “green.” In the first collector’s edition, younger readers will be able to find a trusty mini game of goose without plastic and tree to plant.

The godfather of this wonderful comeback is TF1 presenter Nikos Eliagas, for whom the magazine is “Madeleine Prost”, as he says in a promotional video:

From the Communist Party to Frederick Lefevre

After experiencing its golden age in the years 1970-80, “Beef Gadget” was interrupted, was born in 1969, from 1993 to 2004, then appeared again monthly until November 2008, then in the form of a special edition in June 2015. After the announcement of the final termination In March 2018, a crowdfunding operation attempted to revive it on a weekly basis in September 2018.

While Biff was originally the property of the Communist Party, this new formula was carried by Frederic Lefevre, former MP and Minister Nicolas Sarkozy. The former UMP CEO, LR then Agir turned again into Director of Publication, he announced In an interview published on Monday On the JDD website, where he claims to have ended politics, after he resigned from his public office at the end of 2019.

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With a small number of contributors, we bought and re-launched Vaillant editions in agreement with L’Humanité. Frédéric Lefèvre explains all the publishing, printing and distribution parts of Pif, the Mag, stating that he had acquired a license for “Pif and Its Characters” from the communist daily, the rights holder.

The Pif has never been political in the sense of the split between left and right. This is what makes its strength. […] It is reductive to consider that he carried a militant ideology. What his body (and still symbolizes) are the values ​​of humanity and solidarity, ”he defends the new publication director, while confident that the magazine read” in secret “during his youth. Bev, who was banned by his father” because he considered that he was financing the Communist Party. “

The famous dog family will open up to new characters like

The famous dog family will open up to new characters such as “Onc’clyclopede”.Dr

Frederick Lefevre assured that the editorial line would go towards “the environment, humanity, solidarity, and the defense of animals.” With his partner Bernard Chaucegros, former president of Euromedia France and former LR candidate for mayor of Avignon in 2014, he intends to make the new Pif “a generational, family-oriented magazine that addresses the great challenges of the century”.

The famous dog family will also open up to new characters such as Pifi, “Pif’s second son and Pifou’s half-brother,” while Placid and Muzo, the other stars’ characters, become responsible for “Animal Shelter.”

The former politician is thinking a lot about Lviv, who intends to “regain his position as the national hero of our time”, especially through “the release of already written albums” but also “several short program projects for audio-visual and video games or development for future theme parks.” The first issue of the magazine, which sold for € 5.90 and has 84 pages (plus 4 detachable pages for The Game of Goose), will be printed in 120,000 copies.

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Samantha Arnold

<p class="sign">"Web fanatic. Travel scholar. Certified music evangelist. Coffee expert. Unapologetic internet guru. Beer nerd."</p>

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