Pokemon Arceus Legends Quiz: The game almost got me right with the saga

A 100% new episode, Legends: Pokémon Arceus attempts to bring the main saga into a new dimension. The foundations for the future are there, but some iterations prevent the creation of a complete rupture.

I don’t want to know how many hours I’ve spent Pokemon RedAnd blue And yellow. When this first generation came out (in 1999), I was just over ten years old and the Game Boy just followed me everywhere. I still remember my middle school breaks, spent training Pikachu instead of having fun with my classmates. Pokémon was a part of my childhood and teenage years – yes, I know the credits of the original cartoon like the back of my hand. But, paradoxically, my love affair with the saga soon ended.

However, I lost interest in the sequel and barely played Pokémon episodes after that (I never started pokemon go). This lack of attention is undoubtedly related to the fact that the franchise prefers to stay true to its origins – which does not prevent it from selling millions of copies. Then the Pokémon Company became official Mythology: Pokemon Arsius, the authorship is supposed to embody renewal. Either a Pokemon game based on important novelties. And enough to return to it?

Pokemon Legends: Arceus
Us walks? Wait… // Source: Nintendo

What is pokemon?

Only one edition

Unlike other pokemon games, Mythology: Pokemon Arsius Only available in one version. New business strategy?

What is pokemon? It’s the question that makes the whole adventure a vampire Mythology: Pokemon Arsius. To start over on new grounds, the developers are betting on an introduction centered around a group of rather gullible researchers. They are responsible for developing the first Pokédex, at a time when Pokémon and humans weren’t really related yet. From then on, everything got a little primitive – including Poké Balls, which you can make yourself – until the creatures knew themselves. It is a paradigm shift in this saga: the goal is no longer to become the best in battles, here the goal is first and foremost scientific.

Mythology: Pokémon Arceus is trying to do something else

However, despite the revolution that can be read in the approach, Mythology: Pokemon Arsius It quickly returns to a more classic style. If Game Freak strives to change the fun, the overall track will be maintained. We quickly note that it will always be necessary to pass through the arenas to collect ersatz badges at the end of dantesque clashes (the heroes of the past are simply replaced by Pokemon that must be appeased due to a mysterious phenomenon).

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Mythology: Pokemon Arsius He tries to offer something else, but some iterations prevent him from making a full break with his predecessors. The team behind this new match was undoubtedly very careful not to offend the first hour fans. at least Mythology: Pokemon Arsius It incorporates a somewhat updated build for the sequel, as we can no longer imagine a Pokémon returning.

Mythology: Pokémon Arceus almost corrected me with an epic cult
History’s First Pokedex // Source: Capture Key

Real fake open world

pokemon sword and shield Embodies the consolidation of licensing within the open-world genre – a task that has proven very difficult on his shoulders, despite access to a more powerful console (Nintendo Switch). Alas, Mythology: Pokemon Arsius There is much more, the error of zoning connected by an axis to which we often return. We dreamed of huge areas to cover without getting bored – The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild -, we will have to be satisfied with small areas that are somewhat empty and never helped by a disappointing visual part.

Technically and in terms of artistic direction (more realistic), Mythology: Pokemon Arsius carries the road. However, the game is a bit sloppy on some points. Epic breaths are soaked in places too public for him to marvel at. Aside from a few wild Pokemon that bring some semblance to life, it’s all a bit cute Mythology: Pokemon Arsius. Fortunately, we have the opportunity to ride on imposing mounts, knowing we can alter them at will in full motion. A good idea worth keeping.

Mythology: Pokemon Arsius It also assumes a bit more status in its RPG, insofar as the main missions are intertwined with secondary objectives that can be completed at will. Everything is an excuse to explore Hisui Island. And there’s plenty to pile on during the hours, other than filling up on Pokédex that collects more or less well-known Pokémon (we won’t tell you if there’s a Pikachu or…Moumouton, our favorite).

Mythology: Pokémon Arceus almost corrected me with an epic cult
The hero explodes with joy when leveling up // Source: Capture key

More dynamic gameplay, but frustrating progress

One thing is for sure: Game Freak sought to make the gameplay more dynamic. The capture process has been greatly improved. It is no longer necessary to fight a wild Pokémon to send a Poké Ball to it. So much so that sometimes Mythology: Pokemon Arsius It looks like a hidden game. When it is necessary to hide in the tall grass to surprise a creature that has not been alerted to your presence, perhaps using bait. Don’t worry, shooting is as easy as pie, especially since you can aim so you don’t toss a buckyball into the void.

Can’t catch wild Pokemon? The fight can then start…in real time! You will then have plenty of time to guide your character on the battlefield, giving orders to your team members. The gain in immersion is undeniable and offers more realistic gameplay, at a less choppy pace. The other side of the coin: the pokemon you encounter can attack you directly, especially the most angry ones (denoted by red eyes and larger size). Fortunately, it is very easy to escape.

Mythology: Pokémon Arceus almost corrected me with an epic cult
New start for battles // Source: Nintendo

On the other hand, progress is still very frustrating. On the one hand, it is always necessary to develop your own Pokémon in order to create a team capable of responding to all situations (read: manage different species well, which have their strengths and weaknesses). On the other hand, you have to improve your Pokédex to become an increasingly expert researcher. on this point, Mythology: Pokemon Arsius Depends on the accumulation of basic quests (eg: catch the same Pokémon x times) which will attract collectors but force you to run repetitive sequences. Because, unfortunately, your rank allows you to unlock new chapters of the story – which include cuts in the smooth running of the adventure.

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We are also sorry for that Mythology: Pokemon Arsius He prepares poorly for battles, which seems logical in relation to the starting assumption (one should not become a hero). However, Pokémon remains a Pokémon game in the practical sense of the term. To focus too much on live capture, Mythology: Pokemon Arsius The player sometimes gets bogged down in hard-to-win battles. This defect causes an unwanted climax of difficulty, within a peaceful experience and an overall good feeling.


Pokémon Legends: Arceus intends to start a revolution in the main saga, exclusively for Nintendo consoles. Despite the real paradigm shift (we are no longer striving to be a better coach, but a better researcher), we must realize that the formula remains somewhat similar. We quickly understand that the idea will never bother first-hour fans.
Armed with more dynamic and realistic gameplay, Pokémon Legends: Arceus still lacks that epic breath specific to open world experiences. Certainly because she’s not really one, due to the lack of ambition in the Hulk. The developers didn’t want to push the Nintendo Switch to its limits, and then we found ourselves immersed in empty environments, barely populated by more or less cute creatures to capture. In short, the power of habit.

Tess Larson

<p class="sign">"Tv geek. Certified beer fanatic. Extreme zombie fan. Web aficionado. Food nerd. Coffee junkie."</p>

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