Pokémon Go: Niantic to collaborate with Microsoft – Multimedia

Will Pokémon Go arrive on virtual reality headsets? This is the question we can ask ourselves after Niantic announces cooperation with Microsoft. At the Microsoft Ignite 2021 conference in early March, Niantic showed a video of Pokémon Go running on a HoloLens 2 virtual reality headset. In this demo, a player wearing virtual glasses in a park shoots and feeds a Pikachu pokeball game. Then he joins another player and the fight begins.

This is clearly not a Pokémon VR (virtual reality) launch video. On the other hand, this demo proves that Pokémon Go can transfer well into a new medium. Then the gaming experience will necessarily increase tenfold. “Niantic’s mission is to create technologies that allow people to socialize and explore the world together, whether they’re kids using Pokémon Go to explore their neighborhoods with their parents or friends, or the thousands of people congregating in parks to celebrate festivals,” said John Hanke, CEO and founder of the groundbreaking augmented reality company Niantic.

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Frank Mccarthy

<p class="sign">"Certified gamer. Problem solver. Internet enthusiast. Twitter scholar. Infuriatingly humble alcohol geek. Tv guru."</p>

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