Police report in Augsburg and the region as of October 11, 2021

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Multiple offenses of drunkenness

downtown – Yesterday, Sunday (10.10.2021) around six in the morning, a 32-year-old e-scooter driver was seen driving in a snake line at Theodor Heuss Platz. During a subsequent observation, he openly admitted that he had consumed alcohol the previous day, which was then confirmed by a voluntary alcohol test of approximately 1.1 per mile. It is now being reported for drunkenness in traffic under the Criminal Code.
downtown – On the same day, just a few minutes later, a 24-year-old e-scooter driver was checked into Forsterstrasse. The officers found the young man smelling alcohol, does he like it? The voluntary breath alcohol test then resulted in a value of about 0.8 per mile, which is not yet a criminal complaint, but does result in an administrative offense report under the Road Traffic Act.
Hochzoll – At about the same time yesterday, a driver was stopped at Ammerseestrasse as part of a general traffic control and was being tested for his ability to drive. Here, it is found that he drank just over 0.8 per thousand, which is why he is also receiving a report on administrative irregularities.
All three drunk road users were prevented from continuing their journey and their cars were safely parked before they were allowed to go home after police procedures were completed.

regional report

Wertingen scam by smishing email

On October 8, 2021, Wertinger received an SMS on his company’s cell phone, in which he was informed that a new voicemail would be available. At the same time, a mobile phone number for an architect’s office was shown in a link. When Wertinger opened the link, an app was automatically downloaded to his mobile phone, which was malware that automatically dialed into his phone’s message and call functions. As a result, many calls were generated abroad. It is not yet possible to predict the extent of the damage caused. The so-called SMS is used to send misleading SMS messages to mobile phone users in order to get valuable information from the device. The link to open is also sent here. As soon as you click on the link, the Trojan stored there begins to associate itself with the call list and make expensive calls abroad, for example, or access the online account. So every cell phone owner should regularly check whether their cell phone is equipped with the latest virus protection. In addition, links should not be opened carelessly. These ads are often disguised as purported advertisements for parcel deliveries or letters from the home bank. Further advice on fraud protection can be found at www.polizei.beratung.de

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Königsbrunn – Fire in the children’s room

Konigsbrunn – Yesterday Sunday (10.10.2021) a fire broke out in a house in a row on Brandenburger Strasse at about 6:35 pm. The father of the family at first tried to put out the fire independently, but did not succeed completely. Therefore, the family fled on their own and reported it to the Königsbrunn fire brigade. This noticed a strong development of smoke in the affected room and was then able to completely extinguish the source of the fire. According to the current investigation status, it can be assumed that a
The fairy lights in the nursery had set a pillow on fire, resulting in the appearance of
Property damage of around €20,000. The rest of the house was not affected by the fire. Fortunately, there were no personal injuries.

On this page you can read the press releases of police or fire brigade inspections. These are posted “unchecked” by us. Presse Augsburg takes no responsibility for the content. If you have any questions, please contact the relevant department.

Brooke Vargas

"Devoted gamer. Webaholic. Infuriatingly humble social media trailblazer. Lifelong internet expert."

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