PS5 and PS4, April 2021: Best Games of the Month

From the ambitious remake of NieR to the spectacular firefight of Return and Adriders, April brings big surprises to PS5 and PS4 owners

April 2021 Indicates arrival PS5 Of a uniqueness especially anticipated by Housemark fans Will return: A rugged-style third-person shooter, it’s a personality remnant and it engages us in a creepy challenging science fiction adventure on an alien planet.

I Games However, this month includes many high-end products PS4, Overall NieR Replicant ver. 1.22474487139, Which redesigns the 2010 Action RPG with a greater focus on sports and technical achievements.

Outer Riders

Outer Riders, a combat sequence based on special powers.
Outer Riders, a combat sequence based on special powers.

Released on April 1 on PS5 and PS4

Created by People can fly, Adriters is a sniper based Cooperative Up to three players can fight together in the background of a creepy science fiction scene. The story is actually set on a distant planet, Enoch, which was settled by landscapes to be their new home.

The character we control, a talented ex-military man accused of managing security in the early stages of colonialism, finds himself trapped in an irregular event and ends up in a cryogenic sleep for thirty years, the only war to wake up in a real middle, mysteriously possessed Powers It is inhumane to allow them to restore peace between warring factions … or at least try.

Otward: Soulstorm

Otward: Soulstorm, the protagonist of the adventure, Abe.
Otward: Soulstorm, the protagonist of the adventure, Abe.

Out on PS5 and PS4 on April 6th

Series Ottworld residents Oddworld: He will return with Soulstorm, giving us one more vote in the shoes of the brave Abe In a challenging new mission to give freedom to its people after the events are described Fresh ‘my’ delicious. The difference is that we will see a more dark scene waiting for us this time.

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Side Sports, The formula starts the original dynamics in many ways, but in a two-and-a-half dimensional environment, with more environmental interaction and additional skills for the protagonist, he can defend himself against any threats when he tries to double-tab. Lead the way Mudocon Recovered.


MotoGP21 is one of the official images of the game.
MotoGP21 is one of the official images of the game.

Out on PS5 and PS4 on April 22nd

MotoGP21 looks back at the Italian team Milestone Is committed to providing motorcycle enthusiasts with a racer with a wide range of simulation features Driving model Solid and widely adjustable, so suitable for any need: from less experienced users to type cleaners.

Once again a facility in the service of a traditional structure, one not only for fast races and time trials Professional system It promises large numbers and material, subjecting us to the command of a driver who decides to climb from the smallest divisions and then to the rankings to be introduced at the official championship. MotoGP.

NieR Replicant ver. 1.22474487139

NieR Replicant ver.  1.22474487139, a frantic battle line.
NieR Replicant ver. 1.22474487139, a frantic battle line.

Out on PS4 on April 23rd

Re-creation RPG action was first published Square Enix In 2010, NieR Replicant ver. 1.22474487139 inspires us in a post-apocalyptic scene, telling the story of a mighty warrior who wants at all costs to save his sister, who suffers from a terrible disease Mourning.

There seems to be a cure, but to find it the protagonist of the adventure has to work hard in the company of a talking book and a couple of allies, thanks to all sorts of traps and enemies. War system Significantly improved, as well as graphics and sound.


Judgment, the protagonist in one of the cuts of the game.
Judgment, the protagonist in one of the cuts of the game.

Out on PS5 on April 23rd

Excellent spin-off Yakuza Introducing in the next gen consoles in April: We will follow the events in the judgment Takayuki Yagami, A former lawyer, to become a private investigator and to deal personally with certain crimes, without complying with procedural and bureaucratic delays.

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Born and raised in an imaginary neighborhood of Camurocho, In Tokyo, Takayuki has learned to defend himself and conducts his own investigations with a trusted friend, using a variety of tools, but without regard to physical involvement, when criminals on duty try to intimidate him.

Will return

Return, battle sequence of the game.
Return, battle sequence of the game.

Out on PS5 on April 30th

Return is the new exclusive PS5 branded Housemark, The Finnish development team specializes in sniper, this time aiming for a more ambitious experience than usual, tragic and dark science fiction third party shooter, with interesting implications roguelike.

In the game we really check Celine, An astronaut finds himself wrapped up in a kind of time cycle: every time the woman dies, she wakes up as if nothing had happened, but the situation around her has changed, and she uses new, confusing threats rich weapons of different kinds.

More games are set to be released in April 2021

Veronica Tucker

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